Eduardo Bordas | Q1 | Q2 |
Listening Skills | ||
Listen for specific information. | A | |
Use discriminative listening in order to determine the tone of voice, verbal cues, and other changes in sound in conversations. | A | |
Understand what someone is saying using language skills (words in said language) | A | |
Analyze complex information, using critical listening to evaluate what’s being said. | A | |
Identify the differences between phonemes taught in class. (Phone Discrimination) | A | |
Follow directions in English that involve several step sequences. | A | |
Show comprehension of particular words related to basic concepts. | A | |
Understand the main idea of stories or conversations. | A | |
Speaking Skills | ||
Use specific vocabulary words and phrases in an appropriate way for the context. | A | |
Create sentences that have some basic structure. | A | |
Make sentences that allow for ideas to be communicated successfully with minimal interpretation on the listener. | A | |
Link together words and phrases without constant need to pause or rephrase. | A | |
Avoid issues in pronunciation such as misplaced word stress and phonemes, with minimal interference in communication. | A | |
Understand and appropriately respond to questions on particular topics. | A | |
Can communicate basic information about personal details and needs of a concrete type in a simple way. | A | |
Link words or groups of words with basic connectors such as 'and', 'so' or 'then' | A | |
Use verbs in the past to talk about past activities in a natural way. | A | |
Writing Skills | ||
Retells conversations to a partner with less to no struggles. | A | |
Use every day English expressions to communicate with classmates and express complete ideas. | A | |
Answer questions according to what has been asked, using complete sentences. | A | |
Relate their personal experiences with the topics seen in class . | A | |
Demonstrate ability to consistently meet given prompts (comprehension) | A | |
Respond directly to prompts addressed by the teacher. | A | |
Express written ideas in a clear and organized way. | A | |
Make sentences with a defined structure: every sentence has a subject and a predicate and makes a whole idea. | A | |
Demonstrate a high degree of spelling accuracy in both target and high frequency words. | A | |
Spell words with not significant enough errors to affect comprehension. | A | |
Begin all sentences with capital letters. | A | |
Capitalize all "I" . | A | |
End all sentences with a punctuation mark. | A | |
Capitalize all proper nouns in a written composition. | A | |
Make sentences that are easy to understand. | A | |
Create a composition where writing flows and keeps the reader engaged. | A | |
Present grammatical accuracy in the areas covered. | A | |
Use connective words (and, but, so, or) that work to smooth their writing. | A | |
Reading Skills | ||
Use plenty of adjectives that help describe their subjects. | A | |
Identify specific sounds at the beginning, middle, and end of words. | A | |
Show comprehension and understanding of phonemic awareness. | A | |
Recognize the words in a text rapidly and accurately and using phrasing and emphasis in a way that makes what is read sound like spoken language. | A | |
Practice repeated reading with activities that give them an opportunity to respond to what they have read. | A | |
Develop understanding of new vocabulary words guided by Teacher. | A | |
Use new words in sentences, matching words with definitions, sorting or discussing with classmates those words. | A | |
Use new words in different contexts. | A | |
Employ prior knowledge with new information that is encountered in the text. | A | |
Use their background knowledge to identify or make connections among ideas in what they are reading. | A | |
Help other classmates understand more of what they read by sharing personal experiences or that more extensive knowledge. | A | |
Answer questions based on the text read. | A | |
Teacher's Comments | ||
Eduardo es un estudiante disciplinado y creativo, que constantemente demuestra su capacidad para tomar la iniciativa. Además, es atento en clase, sigue instrucciones correctamente y tiene buena ortografía en los conceptos vistos en clase. En pronunciación, se desempeña muy bien y aprende rápidamente los conceptos. Como oportunidad de mejora, se recomienda reforzar la lectura y escritura en casa y promover que se generen más conversaciones en inglés para aumentar su confianza al hablar. Gracias por aprender y compartir con nosotros tu desempeño Eduardo, ¡feliz fin de año! |