Class Info:

Tiny Toddlers 3
Ms. Fredeline


A - Accomplished

IP - In Progress

X - Not taught yet

Gustavo Jana HacheQ1Q2
Listening Skills
Attends to English oral language.IPA
Begins to follow simple directions in English.IPA
Follows directions that involve a one or two step sequence.IPA
Demonstrates an understanding of words related to basic concepts.IPA
Understands main ideas of stories.IPA
Combines nonverbal and some verbal communications to be understood by others.IPA
Speaking Skills
Begins to use English vocabulary.IPA
Begins to converse with others using English vocabulary but may code-switch.IPA
Uses new English vocabulary to share knowledge of concepts.IPA
Answers question in complete sentences.XX
Begins to use English to talk about personal experiences.IPA
Retells a story using some English.IPA
Repeats or recites simple songs, poems and finger plays.AA
Reading Skills
Attends to an adult reading a short storybook.AA
Begins to participate in reading activities.IPA
Reads shorts stories and books.IPA
Begins to orally decode words in English.XX
Writing Skills
Begins to use marks or symbols to represent spoken language.XX
Attempts to copy words.AA
Writes with some grammatical errors but it does not diminish communication.XX
Attempts to write simple sentences with clear ideas.XX
Teacher's Comments
Gustavo is a remarkable individual, displaying a strong aptitude for learning and a genuine passion for academics and social interaction. He eagerly grasps and comprehends the material taught, demonstrating fluency in the language and occasionally transitioning between languages with ease. His participation in class activities is consistently exemplary, contributing positively to the learning environment. Gustavo's readiness to engage and progress is commendable, reflecting his diligent efforts. Notably, he has shown significant improvements in remaining seated and focused, showcasing his commitment to self-discipline. Furthermore, Gustavo's vibrant personality and enthusiasm add a delightful energy to the classroom, fostering a positive atmosphere for learning.